Represented Artist, Michelangelo, at Milan Art Gallery in Downtown Fort Worth Texas



The Battle of the Centaurs depicts nude figures gripped in combat. It’s considered an early turning point in his young career.


For more than 500 years, you could see it only in Florence, Italy.  But now there are bronze casting of Centaurs and another early Michelangelo, Madonna of the Stairs.


They are copies made from decades-old molds of the original that Milan and a partner discovered unused in an Italian foundry.  Working with the Italian government and the Casa Buonarroti Museum, which was Michelangelo's house, The Milan Gallery secured exclusive rights to cast a small number of bronze replicas of the originals.


Milan Gallery      Fort Worth  Texas  USA      817-338-4278    © 1998-2013 Milan Gallery. All Rights Reserved.